Global South meets Nürtingen

The Challenge

How can we inspire behavioral change towards more sustainable practices among youth in the Global North?

The Objective

Educating and inspiring youth to reflect on their contribution in a global world for more sustainability

The Location

Nürtingen, Germany

Understanding the interconnectedness of our world from a perspective from the Global South is crucial to inspire youth to contribute towards a more sustainable future.

“Globaler South meets Nürtingen” takes the perspective of youth in the Sundarbans and makes their experiences available to students in selected schools in Nürtingen. In the form of videos and interactive educational materials, the experiences of Indian students on climate change, plastic waste and agriculture give impetus to a global understanding of environmental and climate protection.

Soceo is developing the educational material and will implement it in five schools in Nürtingen in 2024.


Creating more understanding among youth how their own behavior affects the world


Contributing to more knowledge and understanding on the triple planetary crisis


Inspiring engaged and informed youth for a more sustainable future

We are contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals

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