
The Challenge

How can we improve the lives of vulnerable farming communities?

The Objective

Improving and diversifying agricultural practices of farming communities and creating better market access for their produce

The Location

Darjeeling, West Bengal, India

600 small-holder farmers from tribal communities are improving and diversifying their agricultural practice integrated as part of Soceo’s Sustainable Livelihood Development Program. To offer the possibility to value-add the farmers’ agricultural produce, mechanical units for processing the harvest have been installed in two selected locations. The machines can be accessed by the participating farmers and the local community. To improve the market access, the farmers are getting connected to an e-commerce platform so that they can sell their products also in more distant markets.

Soceo has designed the project, conducted the Baseline Study and is implementing SLDP.


Empowering vulnerable and marginalized communities through entrepreneurship


Improving and diversifying the agricultural practice of the farmers following nature-oriented farming techniques for the benefit of the environment


Creating entrepreneurial opportunities for farming communities for a more resilient future

We are contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals

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